is a beautiful hydrated Silicate mineral whose sparkling crystals command
attention. Though it comes in several varieties and colors, I am currently
working with the crystal clear type...and I DO mean crystal clear! A good
specimen of this captivating crystal can at times put Rock Crystal Quartz to
was given its name in the year 1800 and stems from the Greek words
"apo" meaning "away from" and "phylliso" meaning
"to leaf". This is evidently connected to the crystal's tendency to do
just that, to leaf away or flake off when heated and water molecules within the
crystal are lost.
For those of
us who also like to know the science behind the magick of stones, here are the
physical and chemical properties of Apophyllite:
KCa4Si8O20(F,OH) • 8H2O – Hydrated Potassium Calcium Sodium Silicate
Clear, white, gray, green, yellow, pink, violet, brown.
Vitreous (glassy) to Pearly. Transparent to translucent.
System: Tetragonal – ditetragonal bipyramidal; 4/m 2/m 2/m.
is Orthorhombic, 2/m 2/m 2/m.
Habit: Found in Basalts, most often as short glassy pyramidal prismatic crystals
or blunt pseudo cubic crystals. . The faces of the pyramid-shaped crystals line
up with the edges of the prism faces instead of the face itself, thus giving the
pyramid 4 edges and a diamond shape instead of the normal triangular shaped face
(as in common Quartz crystals). Also found in druses, masses, and some rare
tabular Hydroxyapophyllites.
Perfect in one direction – Basal
4.5 – 5.0
Gravity: 2.3 – 2.4
Characteristics: Prism faces are vertically striated. Crystals flake when
heated. Some specimens fluoresce a pale green or yellow.
Occurrences: U.S. (NJ, NC, PA, VA); Nova Scotia, Canada; India; Mexico; Brazil;
Germany; Iceland; Greenland; Scotland, U.K.
Best Field
Indicators: Crystal habit, environment, associated Zeolite minerals, luster.
Mineral specimens. (although we know they're good for much more than that! ;))
are beautiful and widely collected crystals which are often found in clusters
and often growing next to or combined with Stilbite or other Zeolite minerals.
`Apophyllite' was redefined as a Group in 1978 to include Fluorapophyllite,
Hydroxyapophyllite, and later, Natroapophyllite. The most common and my
favorites are those which are clear in color and are sometimes mistaken for
Quartz. What sets Apophyllite apart, though, and which makes it easier to
identify, is this crystal's strong reflective surface which is due to its unique
micaceous pearly base. This pearlescent luster at the base makes the rest of the
crystal appear mirror-like when viewed from a certain angle. There is also a
marked crystal clear water-like quality to Apophyllite's appearance because of
this – and rightly so, as the crystals actually do contain an abundance of
water molecules. This has given rise to Apophyllite's nickname, "the
fisheye stone". The internal structure of these crystals is also quite
distinctive, containing a three-dimensional interconnected four and eight-member
ring structure unique to the Apophyllites. The open cavities within the crystal
structure are what hold the traces of water and other elements, and each is
interconnected by channels running the entire length of the crystal. These
channels, which are open at the crystal's surface, allow electrically charged
atoms (ions) to move freely within the crystal. They also allow Apophyllite to
physically capture and exchange ions. Taking that to the metaphysical,
Apophyllite performs a similar feat, most notably its ability to help us connect
to higher realms of consciousness and Astral fields, and the ability to absorb
and retain the information and knowledge we gather there. But more about that
later, as first we'll concentrate on this mineral's physical beauty.
crystals almost always form in two different ways – one, the elongated
rectangular prism capped off with a four-sided pyramid point or, two, a pseudo
cubic crystal with no pyramid top that makes it look square and blocky. (Other
forms of Apophyllite are found in druses or masses, or more rarely in tabular
form.) The crystal's prism faces are striated with parallel vertical lines and
the base of the prism is pearly in luster. Being Igneous, Apophyllites are born
during volcanic activity where, as the magma cools, air bubbles get trapped and
form a cavity within which the crystals begin to grow. So naturally, the best
places to find Apophyllites are in Basalt and ancient lava flows, most
prominently in the Watchung Mountain area of northern New Jersey, the Bay of
Fundy area in Nova Scotia Canada, Iceland, Greenland, and the best green
varieties coming out of India.
The most
common colors of Apophyllites are clear, white, gray, green, brown, pink or
And so what
are some of the metaphysical properties of Apophyllite that also lend their
energies to our magick? I'll list what I (and others) have come up with, below:
Sign(s): Libra, Pisces, Gemini
Air & Water
Crown & Brow (Third Eye)
connections; Higher Realms
Aid to Reiki
Light and
For Physical
Healing*: Apophyllite is known to aid with problems related to ~ Respiratory
System, Asthma, Allergies ~ Eyes; vision ~ Depression; Anxiety.
*NOTE: Stone
therapy should NOT take the place of medical evaluation and procedures, and
should be used merely to enhance one's health and well-being.
Like the
majority of clear or white crystals, Apophyllite works well as a link between
all the Chakras from Root to Crown, bridging the physical realm with the spirit
realm. I like and agree with what Naisha Ahsian says about these beauties:
"Apophyllite crystals are mini-temples dedicated to the healing and
enlightenment of the Earth and her children." These crystals do help
elevate the vibration of whatever or whomever they touch, all the while keeping
one grounded and all channels clear. Because of this, Apophyllite is known to
enhance psychic and intuitive abilities and also acts as an excellent aid in
meditation, Shamanic journeying or Astral travel. Even physically the look of
this crystal mimics the intense, vivid and shimmering unearth-like quality of
the Astral's "atmosphere", making one more comfortable in and
adaptable to the differences between realms. Once there, Apophyllite allows its
bearer to become attuned with and to communicate better with the higher field
entities one finds there (be it Gods and/or Goddesses, Guides, Angels or
Elements and elementals) or with any spirits one attempts to connect with. And,
whatever information you do happen to gather there, this crystal will help you
process and retain it within your consciousness upon return to your
"waking" state.
Called an
"Ascension Stone", Apophyllites are also noted for bringing light and
clarity to emotional situations, breaking through old blockages, and for
promoting an explorative nature which moves us toward bringing the truth out
into the open. Deception is hindered in the presence of Apophyllite; you'll have
trouble even deceiving yourself. I thoroughly agree with one of Robert Simmons'
notation on this in his and Naisha's very knowledgeable book where he states:
Jesus said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is spread out upon the Earth, and men do
not see it." This spiritual blindness, from which those of us using stones
and crystals are working to recover, is one of the reasons that scientists and
others can view matter as lifeless and without consciousness. Once the veil has
been lifted, one sees all the world, inner and outer, as alive and filled with
intelligent awareness. Apophyllites are one of the most powerful mineral tools
for lifting that veil."
Because of
Apophyllite's water content and open-ended channels which allow both intake and
outtake, this crystal has the wonderful ability to act in both a receptive or
projective manner. It contains properties of both masculine Air and feminine
Water, and can be a powerful transmitter and receiver. It can help improve
memory and concentration and is good for dream recall (I sleep with Apophyllite
near the head of my bed) and for calling in those ever-so-helpful telling
dreams. It can also be used as an aid in past life recall.
can be very healing and is often used in Reiki sessions. Emotionally, these
lofty fire-born water-bearing crystals bring light and energy which helps in
alleviating worry and anxiety. They contain a breezy uplifting quality and can
help one deal with uncertainty through their ability to light the way to
resolution. In this regard they are also helpful to anyone going through what
some call "the dark night of the soul". Bodily, Apophyllites work well
in the areas of the Respiratory System, sinuses, and for eye related problems.
The crystals are especially rejuvenating and refreshing, bringing a crisper
clarity to self and one's surroundings. The pyramid-shaped crystals can be used
to help open one's Third Eye by placing one, base down, upon the forehead during
meditation and, as stated before, they are especially helpful when Astral
traveling or channeling. The pyramids can also be used to rejuvenate and to
preserve the integrity of whatever it rests on, making them a good candidate for
charging other stones. To recharge the Apophyllite itself, place it under a
stream of cool running water and then give it a brief sit (only 1-2 hours) in
the early morning sun.
Depending on
this mineral's color, there are additional properties to be noted - i.e., Green
Apophyllite is said to aid in matters of the heart; the yellow for a more
uplifting energy; the brown for added grounding; the pinks and violets for
enhanced healing.
Having only
been discovered at the beginning of the 1800s, I haven't been able to find much
myth connected to Apophyllite, but I can't imagine its crystals having not been
used for as many things (and probably more) as they are used for today. Prior
associations and perhaps alternate names were used by our ancestors for this
attractive stone. With Apophyllite being widely found in the Watchung Mtns. area
of northern New Jersey, I can't help but wonder what the native Lenape tribe may
have used Apophyllite's interesting crystals for. These crystals hold a very
high vibration in the rock world, and their use in trance work or journeying is
invaluable. Unfortunately, they are not strong or hard enough to be widely used
in jewelry or artistry, so there is no Apophyllite trail there either.
In lore,
Apophyllites have been often used for scrying, and it is suggested that you peer
into the crystal sideways and through the corner of your eye. It is also said
that this stone helps those who participate in Fire Walking – first by helping
the person achieve a strong meditative state, and then later as the stone is
said to help cool the feet.
Field Guides - Rocks and Minerals
– Rock and Gem: The definitive guide to rocks, minerals, gems, and fossils
Book of Stones: Who they are & what they teach, Robert Simmons & Naisha
Ahsian with contributions by Hazel Raven
Is In the Earth, Melody
Crystal Bible: A definitive guide to crystals, Judy Hall
(Green Apophyllite photo)
other photos from my personal collection.
sometimes pondered about all Igneous stones, born as a result of Fire, and why
they are not all considered Fire Stones. But the more I worked with Apophyllite,
my question was answered. See, we most often associate the Fire Element with
vibrant life force, passion, energy, and movement – properties all too often
only seen as things associated with our physicality while on Earth. But is that
the only kind of fire there is? I've found Apophyllite works with the ethereal
spiritual fire. (For Christians, think `halo' or the Apostles `receiving the
Holy Spirit flame' which was seen above each their heads. And for some of us who
go pre-Christianity, think Brighid, holder of the Sacred Flame which spiritually
inspires us to create – without which, Fire Element would basically be
rendered impotent…or at the very least, producing unproductive chaos.) It is
what I call `the spark that ignites the flame'. It is actually Air-born, birthed
first in the mind and heart through Spirit, and can be felt as either a softly
glowing yet steadily growing ignition or as a swift and sudden lightning bolt.
But however it is felt, it is born of spiritual intent. It is the gentle fire of
truth that glows so hot that it appears a cool blue.
has been nicknamed the "Stone of Truth" because of its ability to help
one see more clearly the truth in any given situation – thus its frequent use
as a scrying stone in divination. And while I don't disagree at all with that
ability of this stone, I most often use my Apophyllite when I wish to commune
with otherworldly entities and spirits. So, for me, it works best as a Shaman's
stone, being placed at both the head and feet during journeying. Not only does
it help facilitate the journey, but I find it encourages and allows me to dwell
in the Astral for a longer period of time than I would normally spend there. And
of course, once I am there, I've found that it helps me to see and hear more
easily and clearly those who I encounter or am connecting with. The bridge
Apophyllite forms between worlds always allows for a more conscious view of both
realms simultaneously and grants me the ability to consciously retain what I've
gained there. It also helps to keep all things pure in the process. For me,
Apophyllite is definitely a clairvoyance and clairaudience-enhancing crystal.
And I love it.
I do find
that Apophyllites (especially the crystal clusters) energize my emotions,
though, but keep me calm and stable while delving into the icky tendrils of
anything I've been suppressing… for this pretty `fisheye' stone will not let
you off the hook! It has a strong tendency to break through blocked emotions and
it will drag you (sometimes kicking and screaming) into facing the truth of a
situation or any unproductive realities you've surrounded yourself with. And I
say "surrounded yourself with" because ultimately we are each
responsible for our own lives and actions, and it is we who create (or allow to
happen) exactly whatever it is we need to confront, examine, and correct.
I've always
had a strong attraction and love for these sparkling watery crystals we call
Apophyllite (regardless of their blunt and to-the-point truth-telling
<g>). It is their mirroring light and beckoning liquid aura that I first
fell in love with. Oh, and the Fey love them too just as much as they love
Quartz and all other sparklies, but it is the elemental Undines who truly find
them irresistible for their watery pearlescent luster and sheen. As do I.
Let there be peace in the world - Where have all the flowers gone?
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history of the Malleus Maleficarum: includes: Pope
Innocent VIII /
papal Bull /
Malleus Maleficarum /
An extract from the Malleus Maleficarum
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Nider’s Formicarius /
Sprenger /
Heinrich Kramer /
Stefano Infessura
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The Waldenses
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Sun Dance
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and Psychic Protection) /
Sabbats in History and Mythology / Samhain (October 31st) / Yule (December 21st) / Imbolc (February 2nd) / Ostara (March 21st) / Beltane (April 30th) / Litha (June 21st) / Lughnasadh (August 1st) / Mabon (September 21st)
Rituals contributed by Crone: Samhain / Yule / Imbolc / Ostara / Beltane / Litha / Lammas / Mabon
Tools of a Witch / The Besom (Broom) / Poppets and Dolls / Pendulums / Cauldron Magick / Mirror Gazing
Animals in Witchcraft (The Witches Familiar) / Antelope / Bats / Crow / Fox / Frog and Toads / Goat / Honeybee / Kangaroo / Lion / Owl / Phoenix / Rabbits and Hares / Raven / Robin Redbreast / Sheep / Spider / Squirrel / Swans / Wild Boar / Wolf / Serpent / Pig / Stag / Horse / Mouse / Cat
In Worship of Trees - Myths, Lore and the Celtic Tree Calendar. For descriptions and correspondences of the thirteen sacred trees of Wicca/Witchcraft see the following: Birch / Rowan / Ash / Alder / Willow / Hawthorn / Oak / Holly / Hazel / Vine / Ivy / Reed / Elder. Also see: The Willow Tree (Folk Music)
Mystical Sacred Sites - Stonehenge / Glastonbury Tor / Malta - The Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni / Avebury / Cerne Abbas - The Chalk Giant / Ireland - Newgrange /
Rocks and Stones:
Stones - History, Myths and Lore
Articles contributed by Patricia Jean Martin: / Apophyllite / Amber / Amethyst / Aquamarine / Aragonite / Aventurine / Black Tourmaline / Bloodstone / Calcite / Carnelian / Celestite / Citrine / Chrysanthemum Stone / Diamond / Emerald / Fluorite / Garnet / Hematite / Herkimer Diamond / Labradorite / Lapis Lazuli / Malachite / Moonstone / Obsidian / Opal / Pyrite / Quartz (Rock Crystal) / Rose Quartz / Ruby / Selenite / Seraphinite / Silver and Gold / Smoky Quartz / Sodalite / Sunstone / Thunderegg / Tree Agate / Zebra Marble
Knowledge vs Wisdom by Ardriana Cahill / I Talk to the Trees / Awakening / The Witch in You / A Tale of the Woods
Articles and Stories about Witchcraft:
Murder by Witchcraft / The Fairy Witch of Clonmel / A Battleship, U-boat, and a Witch / The Troll-Tear (A story for Children) / Goody Hawkins - The Wise Goodwife / The Story of Jack-O-Lantern / The Murder of the Hammersmith Ghost / Josephine Gray (The Infamous Black Widow) / The Two Brothers - Light and Dark
Old Masters of Academia:
Pliny the Elder / Hesiod / Pythagoras
Abramelin the Mage / Agrippa / Aidan A. Kelly / Albertus Magnus “Albert the Great” / Aleister Crowley “The Great Beast” / Alex Sanders "the King of the Witches” / Alison Harlow / Amber K / Anna Franklin / Anodea Judith / Anton Szandor LaVey / Arnold Crowther / Arthur Edward Waite / Austin Osman Spare / Biddy Early / Bridget Cleary / Carl Llewellyn Weschcke / Cecil Hugh Williamson / Charles Godfrey Leland / Charles Walton / Christina Oakley Harrington / Damh the Bard (Dave Smith) / Dion Fortune / Dolores Aschroft-Nowicki / Dorothy Morrison / Doreen Valiente / Edward Fitch / Eleanor Ray Bone “Matriarch of British Witchcraft” / Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly / Dr. Leo Louis Martello / Eliphas Levi / Ernest Thompson Seton / Ernest Westlake and the Order of Woodcraft Chivalry / Fiona Horne / Friedrich von Spee / Francis Barrett / Gerald B. Gardner / Gavin and Yvonne Frost and the School and Church of Wicca / Gwydion Pendderwen / Hans Holzer / Helen Duncan / Herman Slater "Horrible Herman" / Israel Regardie / James "Cunning" Murrell / Janet Farrar & Gavin Bone / Jessie Wicker Bell “Lady Sheba” / John Belham-Payne / John George Hohman / John Gerard / John Gordon Hargrave (the White Fox) / John Michael Greer / John Score / Johannes Junius the Burgomaster of Bamberg / Joseph John Campbell / Karl von Eckartshausen / Laurie Cabot "the Official Witch of Salem" / Lewis Spence / Margaret Alice Murray / Margot Adler / Marie Laveau the " Voodoo Queen of New Orleans" / Marion Weinstein / Matthew Hopkins “The Witch-Finder General” / Max Ehrmann and the Desiderata / Monique Wilson the “Queen of the Witches” / Montague Summers / Nicholas Culpeper / Nicholas Remy / M. R. Sellers / Mrs. Grieve "A Modern Herbal" / Oberon and Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart / Old Dorothy Clutterbuck / Old George Pickingill / Paddy Slade / Pamela Colman-Smith / Paracelsus / Patricia Crowther / Patricia Monaghan / Patricia “Trish” Telesco / Philip Emmons Isaac Bonewits / Philip Heselton / Raymond Buckland / Reginald Scot / Robert Cochrane / Robert ‘von Ranke’ Graves and "The White Goddess" / Rudolf Steiner / Rosaleen Norton “The Witch of Kings Cross” / Ross Nichols and The Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids / Sabrina - The Ink Witch / Scott Cunningham / Selena Fox / Silver Ravenwolf / Sir Francis Dashwood / Sir James George Frazer / S.L. MacGregor Mathers and the “Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn” / Starhawk / Stewart Farrar / Sybil Leek / Ted Andrews / The Mather Family - includes: Richard Mather, Increase Mather, Cotton Mather / Thomas Ady / Vera Chapman / Victor Henry Anderson / Vivianne Crowley / Walter Brown Gibson / William Butler Yeats / Zsuzsanna Budapest
Many of the above biographies are brief and far from complete. If you know about any of these individuals and can help with aditional information, please cantact me privately at my email address below. Many thanks for reading :-)
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